Kim Namjoon Is An Inspirational Leader

by Punky Fujosji | October 4th 2021
The K-Pop group BTS is the most famous band in the world right now, and their leader, rapper Kim Namjoon is a wise man. Kim Namjoon, also known as RM or Rap Monster among the fans, is famous for his talent on stage an...

BTS: Suga teases V as he works out on sets, Jimin impressed with the singer's toned physiq...

by Punky Fujosji | October 4th 2021
BTS member Suga couldn't help but tease V when he noticed the singer working out on the sets of Butter, a new Bangtan Bomb has revealed. The video, featuring a portion of Butter's making, shows members RM, Jin, Suga, J...

When J-Hope almost quit BTS: Jungkook cried, RM told Big Hit ‘Can’t make it without him’

by Punky Fujosji | October 3rd 2021
Who can imagine BTS without their ‘sunshine’ J-Hope? Well, it turns out that this would have actually become a reality, had it not been for a particular member. BTS’s early days of gruelling and painful struggle are an...
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